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Without compromise

For 100% certainty

Comprehensive residue analyses

From the field to your warehouse

Food safety and sustainability

Practiced daily, certified annually

GLOBALG.A.P certification (Good Agricultural Practice) means that your company can rely on compliance with all standards from production to distribution. This includes, among other things, soil management of the fields, fertilization and the responsible use of pesticides, as well as the handling of the product from harvest to delivery to the partner.

Not only our products are important to us, but also the people behind these products. GRASP (GLOBALG.A.P Risk Assessment on Social Practices) is a voluntary supplement to the GlOBALG.A.P certification. Within the scope of this supplement, not the products but the working conditions, such as occupational safety, health protection and social concerns of employees in agricultural operations are reviewed.

Thanks to the regular presence of our employees on site, we have the necessary influence to control the production processes of our partner producers at all times. Since 2010 BETAFRUIT Handelsgesellschaft mbH is certified according to IFS Broker Higher Level. Among other things, high, clearly defined requirements for hygiene, process safety, traceability, packaging materials and certifications are placed on the producers.

In addition to conventional fruit and vegetables in top quality, we also offer first-class products in certified organic quality. Both the hexagonal German organic seal and the EU organic seal mark our products from controlled organic cultivation according to the EU Organic Regulation. In plain language this means among other things that no pesticides and no antibiotics or genetic engineering are used. To protect the environment and consumers.